Page 15 - summer edition2 2023
P. 15

Quakers offer friendship and silent worship open to God’s Spirit at these meetings.

                           Whatever your faith please feel really welcome to join us.

                                16 Wharncliffe Road                      Sundays 10.30am
                                Boscombe,                               Children’s services 1st 3 Sundays
                                BH5 1AH
                                         Phone 01202 397806

         LYMINGTON              Milford on Sea Community Centre st Sunday 10.30am
                                (The Bridge) 9 Sea Road
                                Milford on Sea
                                SO4 0PH
                                            Milford Guide Hut (above address) 3rd Friday 12.midday

         NEW MILTON             Meeting House                              Sunday 10.30am  Children by prior
                                30 Whitefield Road                        arrangement
                                New Milton                           1st Tuesday 12.15-12.45
                                BH25 6DF                                      Virtual:  Sunday 10:30-11:20
                            (Meeting ID: 872 4670 9377, Passcode: 595946)     For information please
                             ring   Rosemary Wells 01425 614279 or David Mason 01425 626112).
                               52 Wimborne Road                      Sundays 10.30am

                               BH15 2BY
                               Phone 01202 674039

         SWANAGE                On line via  Zoom                    2nd Sunday at 10.30
                                                                     4  Sunday, at 7.00 pm for 30 minutes.
                                                                                                  For information about Children’s
                                                                     meeting contact Bonnie Brown.

         WIMBORNE               Canford Room                              1st and 3rd Sundays 10.30am
                                Allendale Centre                     5th Sundays at Friends home or
                                Hanham Road                                      garden.                   please check
                                Wimborne                                      with the Clerk 07776 216807
                                BH21 1AS

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