Page 14 - summer edition2 2023
P. 14
Well Rounded Stephen Feltham
I like to keep abreast of things.
It’s important to be well read, don’t you think?
To be au fait with things, things one must need to know.
I read the classic novels, Tale of Two Cities and the like,
But I also read Greek mythology and Romans like Quintus Ennius and Co.
And dog course, I do not neglect the present time.
I subscribe to the New Scientist and the journals of the Royal Society.
Yes, and I hope I’m not appearing smug here.
I like to think I am a well-rounded, well read and an all-together good fellow.
These things that contribiute to me being modstly me,
That I know you all know so welland admire for my general all-roundedness,
Is in part, to a lesser or greater degree,
And to be fair.
That is a greater part of me,
Must be due, and it mist be true,
That the most important , the most valued, the most wondeful,
the most enthusiastically absorbed part of me is CAKE,
I love it.
I can’t get enough of it.
It makes me what I am:
With a jam and cream filling,
And a nice shiny top,
With just the right amount of decoration and adornment.
Well rounded!
I love it, love it love it.
If it wasn’t for cake
I could not make
It through the day,
I fear I would break,
Into crumbs,
and if I did
I would eat myself
And become even more
Well rounded!