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Every day I am so amazed at
       the kindness you show to

       people affected by leprosy.
       From the bottom of my heart,
       thank you!

       Thibekka and Ajai, and their
       twin daughters Kavina and

                  Used with permission

                    Saturday 27th July ~ Saturday 3rd August

                                 If you are willing to help with the
                                 Churches Together Carnival Float
                                    please talk to Anne Squires.
                             Any help will be very much appreciated.

                                                 A Time for Prayer

                                               A small group of members and
                                               friends get together on Zoom
                                                       each Thursday
                                                      morning at 9 am
                                                       for 30 minutes
                                                     for a quiet  me of
                                                    though ul reflec on
                                                    If you prefer you can
                                                      join in at Church

                                                Join the online ZOOM prayer
                                                   The Login details are:
                                                 Mee ng ID: 851 3113 5650
                                                      Passcode G3h2i5

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