Page 2 - Purbeck Society Spring Newsletter 2022 (xxx
P. 2

First of all apologies to all our members for the excessive delay in getting
        a newsletter to you all.

        Its been  a long  time since we had  the opportunity to have regular
        meetings and of course many are still wary of meeting in groups indoors.

        On several occasions it was thought  we were able to arrange a
        programme and get a  newsletter  done. However arranging venues,
        getting speakers  to commit to  book to give  presentations,  whilst
        adhering  to the various restrictions  in place  at  different times  and
        consequently having to  change plans,  has restricted our efforts  and
        curtailed such plans. This has been very frustrating and time consuming.

        However now things are hopefully improving and restrictions are being
        removed, we think it is possible to commit to a programme of talks and
        visits and book venues.  We look forward to meeting members again
        and hopefully encouraging others to join. We will of course continue to
        follow guidelines regarding the health and safety of members at any
        organized events.

        Of  course  how  the pandemic  has affected individuals  has varied
        considerably and we hope that members and their families have stayed
        healthy both physically and emotionally throughout the past 2 years.

        The committee send condolences to anybody who has suffered the
        loss of a loved one or been affected adversely by the pandemic. We
        hope that the coming year will be a happy and healthy one and we can
        return to some sort of normality.

        I think it is true to say that the Swanage community remained as strong
        as ever in its commitment to supporting those that needed a helping
        hand in such difficult times. The committee thanks all those that gave
        time and energy working in the community during 2020 and 2021.

        There were  positives to the  pandemic  with some recognizing and
        realising what  was truly important  to them and maybe  making life
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