Page 3 - Purbeck Society Spring Newsletter 2022 (xxx
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changing decisions as a result. Some of us found time to take part in
activities and hobbies that we hadn’t had time for before. The pleasures
of reading, being out in nature, exercising, discovering parts of our local
area we hadn’t been aware of before. Making friends as a consequence
and joining groups of people with common interests for the common
During the past 2 years the committee and certain members have been
actively involved in projects in the area. The society, which is over 150
years old has always been actively involved in the study and research
into all the aspects of Purbecks heritage, wildlife and geology.
Here are some of the partnerships and projects that have continued
despite covid.
The Swanage Non Listed Heritage Asset Survey.
The survey started in 2017 as a result of a request from the Purbeck
District Councils conservation Officer for the Society to assist in a survey
of buildings in Swanage that were neither listed or in the designated
conservation areas. Just 3 society members carried out the footwork of
walking the streets of the town and photographing properties thought
to be significant for a number of reasons. The start of restrictions in 2020
delayed completion of the process and then committee members Nick
Crabbe who works as an archaeologist for the a number of organisations
and with Bournemouth University had the skills to produce necessary
maps and associated listings index. The survey and maps were finally
completed in the autumn of 2021 and is now printed. Our first indoors
meeting in Nov 2021 allowed us to launch the book and present copies
to the council. Other copies will be sent to various other authorities,
museums, library and archives. Only 25 were printed and there are a
few available to purchase. Depending on demand we will be doing
another print run. However, the survey is available to view on the
Purbeck Society website. It is a live document online so we are able to
add further properties and associated information. It is not known when