Page 7 - Purbeck Society Spring Newsletter 2022 (xxx
P. 7
end. Work has since been carried out by nautical archaeologists and
Bournemouth university. Lilian ladle will discuss the causeway/quay in
her talk on 11 February at the Mowlem. The site also includes Romano
British occupation and workshop sites for pottery, iron and salt
production. Fragments of black burnished ware from the roman period
were found on the shore and the large shell midden evident at the
points extreme east end. The site has been visited on 2 occassions
within the past 2 years by members Karen Delahay and Sonja Aldgard
to assess any further erosion and look for further finds washed out of
the low soil boundary between the grazed field and “beach” and marsh.
There has been further erosion and further visits are planned to assess
extent and impact on the site. Work on and research into the causeway
As associated members of the Council for the Protection of Rural
England, the Purbeck Society feels it is essential to work in partnership
with organisations and bodies involved in projects and proposals in the
area. So although the society was not able to meet in person for some
18 months, there was progress in certain areas regarding issues related
to the aims of the society, some members were able to continue
networking and taking things forward. I am sure individual members
have got involved in their own projects and research of relevance to the
society. Please let the committee know if you have any information of
interest to the society as a whole.
The society has managed to have a number of events where members
were able to meet. Unfortunately, due to a number of factors we were
not always able to contact some members directly. Efforts were made
to put information on the society website and Facebook page but realise
that some members do not have access to social media. Problems
accessing the membership lists which hadn’t been updated for over 18
months and lack of email addresses means we realise that some
members have missed out on accessing some information during the
pandemic. Combined with some committee members no longer being