Page 9 - Purbeck Society Spring Newsletter 2022 (xxx
P. 9

In December we were not able to hold the planned Christmas social at
        Newton Manor Hall.  Alan May had invited society members to visit the
        hall and get a brief guided tour and introduction to his new home and
        plans for the future. Due to uncertainty regarding the new variant the
        vulnerability of some of our members and unnecessarily compromising
        members, guests and Alans health just before Christmas we decided it
        best not to proceed  with  the organized event.  However  it was
        recognized the importance to some members of social opportunities
        especially some who were not going to have the opportunity to meet
        with family over Christmas. So members and friends were invited to
        come to the Pines hotel just for a coffee. As expected it was a quiet affair
        with just a few members coming along but successful as far as catching
        up after so long and allowing people to stay as long as they wished and
        having a good chat. It was agreed that such informal social events serve
        a purpose for some still wary of meeting in large groups at longer indoor
        events and that further such @coffee mornings” should be considered.
        The Pines is currently closed for works but will be opening in a week or
        so. Karen Delahay will arrange a date for such an event shortly.

        It had  been planned to have the AGM last October. This had to  be
        postponed and was then planned to be in January to tie in with the last
        AGM held in January 2020. For a number of reasons  the agm had to be
        postponed for a month and will now be held on February 11 . However
        the speaker postponed from November was able to give his talk at the
        January meeting. Nick Jubber a local travel writer who has published 5
        award  winning books. Nick gave an  enthusiastic and very
        knowledgeable and informative talk about his last book “Epic Journeys”
        about myths in Europe and their role in modern Europe and political
        relevance.  The meeting was well attended considering the difficulties
        encountered regarding accessing membership contact details  and IT
        issues.  Nick has recently had a new book published “The Story Tellers”
        about famous European fairy tales and receiving very favorable reviews.
        It is hoped Nick will give another talk later this year regarding this book.
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