Page 14 - Purbeck Society Spring Newsletter 2022 (xxx
P. 14

committed to the society during the years as a committee member. Jane
        was instrumental in  the rescue of the society along with Collette
        Drayson and Karen Delahay, when it was threatened with being wound
        up some years ago.  We wish her and her family well.

        Due to increased costs, membership has had to be increased to £10 a
        year. Members get free admission to the indoor talks and newsletters.
        Usually a donation or admission fee is charged by individuals attending
        walks and external visits. This of course can vary depending on venue,
        but members are given an idea of what this is likely to be prior to the
        event. In previous years coach transport and visits well outside the area
        were organized. Due to increased costs of  transport hire, restricted
        membership,  the agreement by committee  to  concentrate on visits
        closer to Purbeck and to include a wider range of subjects and nature of
        visit locations ie local producers and industries, it is now expected for
        members to arrange their own transport to visits/walks. Those without
        their own  transport are encouraged to car share  or contact the
        committee to assist in lifts. If other local organisations arrange visits
        further afield, then  usually efforts are made  to let members know
        through social media. If any members know of such trips then please let
        Karen Delahay know (text or call 07730680579) so other members can
        be informed.

        The increased use of social media during the pandemic increases our
        ability to share information. The society has a Facebook page and the
        website is updated by Dave Morton. We are
        of course well aware that some members either do not have access to
        internet, computers or choose not to use social media.  Unfortunately
        postage costs restrict use of posted information to members to just the
        planned newsletters usually sent out 2  or 3 times a year. It is  not
        possible to contact members via post at other times unless a major issue
        arises demanding an Emergency General meeting requiring discussion
        and a membership vote.
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