Page 15 - Purbeck Society Spring Newsletter 2022 (xxx
P. 15

The committee have recognized the changes  made at  The  Mowlem
        during the past  2  years  and wish to  support the new trustees  and
        associated staff and volunteer team making those improvements.  We
        look forward to helping them make it the community facility it deserves
        to be. We are sure society members will back us in those sentiments.

         Lastly apologies for the lack of images in this newsletter. Computer
        failure and loss of relevant images has been a considerable frustration.

        If  the relevant images  can be  retrieved from the  failed  device or
        elsewhere they will be put up on the Facebook page.

        We look forward positively in regards to the society and are confident
        that 2022 and the next few years will establish the role of the society in
        the  community.  However it is apparent that communities  will  be
        expected more and more to make things  happen locally and  be
        prepared to be actively involved in making change happen.

        We look forward to seeing members at the AGM. Please take note of
        the nominations form regarding committee membership. If interested
        please complete and get back before the AGM starts.

        A financial report from the treasurer will be available at the AGM. The
        chair Peter Bowyer will give his report. The committee is due to meet
        on 3  February when certain matters will be discussed and confirmed.
        KD 1/22

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