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Christmas Candle-Lit Evenings
The fund Raisers are working together to create a Festive Fayre
on Wednesday 6 and Thursday 7 December from 5.30 pm.
Mount Scar‘s Choir are coming to sing for us at 6 pm on
Wednesday, a Handbell Team is getting together and our Ukulele
group hope to join us too.
We are preparing new decorations, under
Lesley’s instruction, for the Worship Area
as a change from what we’ve done before
and also hoping to make something
different for the panels of the Gallery.
The plan is to work together on Tuesday
afternoons in combination with CUC, from
2 pm and if you fancy helping just come
along. The more the merrier!
The Fund Raisers
“We are delighted to see so many
people each week and we now have
quite a few regular friends who join
us. Why not bring a neighbour or
friend along to enjoy a chat and
delicious bacon buttie or slice of fruit loaf, with a cup of freshly
brewed coffee? We do not have a set charge but ask for
donations, bearing in mind the increased price of all we offer,
please give generously.
All the people who help give of their time voluntarily and you can
join the team if you are free!
We also have a Bric-a-Brac Stall, Jigsaws and Books and
additions to these always welcome. Don’t forget our 4 week of
the month Cake Stall too!”
Ann Coleman – Team Member