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P. 23
Continued from page 21.
Volunteers run workshops in schools on subjects like controlling
anger and learning to forgive.
‘We at the Bible Society in Israel ask you to pray that God will give
us wisdom in these days,’ Victor said. ‘Wisdom and grace to be his
messengers, serving his kingdom, and not weaken his message
with our own anger. Pray for wisdom and grace to love, not only
the lost souls around us but also to love those who hate us.’
Thank you Anne for forwarding this appeal for the Link
Food Bank
Harvest donations have been generously donated from local
schools, churches and other groups these past few weeks. Some
goods are being distributed already in bags ready for those in
So, once again there are shortages!
Toilet rolls - toothpaste.
Spreads: - marmalade, jam, peanut butter etc.
Sugar - small bags
Tins: spaghetti Bolognese, macaroni cheese,
ravioli, spaghetti rings.
Tins: Meals suitable for heating up.
Savoury biscuits
Snacks suitable for lunchboxes
Thankyou once more for your support ~ Donna
Remember! Remember!
The next Link Magazine will be a double issue for
December and January ~ so please think ahead.