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Betty Winifred Norman
17th July 1926 ~ 22nd September 2022
Betty was born in Stockport, Manchester on 17th
July 1926. Her parents were Alfred and Winifred
Reek, and she had a happy childhood.
When Betty’s father died, she moved to Neasden, North London
to be near to her mother’s sister, Ada. Sometime later they moved
to Cecil Road in Swanage to be closer to her family. She spent
many happy times with her three cousins Ann, Donald, and Bill in
Betty worked at the James Day Care Home, now Gainsborough
Care Home, for many years. She was a hard worker, and also
cared for her mother who had Parkinson’s until she passed away
in 1970.
It is believed that Betty met Bert through the Church, as Bert was
a committed Salvationist who was part of the Salvation Army here
in Swanage.
Betty and Bert married on 24th March 1983, and they lived
happily together in Cecil Road. They enjoyed spending lots of
time together in the garden, days’ out, and many holidays,
especially their trip to Jerusalem, and a visit back to Stockport to
see Betty’s family home.
Betty was not aware she had a brother, Geoff, until much later in
her life, so, she was also unaware that she had a sister-in-law,
Peggy; along with nieces: Rosemary and Judy, and nephews:
Barry and Michael. This newly discovered extended family all
lived in Winchester, having moved from Studland in 1960.
Sadly, Geoff had died in 1980 before Betty ever knew that she
had a brother. However, with very little detail, she managed to
track down her family living in Winchester and spent a lovely
weekend there getting to know them when she visited with Bert.
Following this, her sister-in-law, Peggy, and her niece, Rosemary,