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The Leprosy Mission -
                                 16 million cured!

       I hope you’re keeping well and enjoying the autumn colours. I love this
       time of year!

       I’ve been thinking back to this time two years ago when the Covid
       vaccines were developed and rolled out. I often wonder what we would
       have faced without them. It was amazing to see so many researchers
       around the world come together to produce vaccines in such a short
       space of time.

       This year at The Leprosy Mission we're celebrating 40 years since the
       cure for leprosy, Multidrug therapy, was first used.

       Between the 1940s and 1970s, various drugs had been used to treat
       leprosy, but none were completely effective. A major breakthrough came
       when doctors trialled using a combination of three antibiotics. For the first
       time, it was possible to cure the disease once and for all.

       The support of people like you has always meant so much and made
       such a difference. From our very beginnings, when all we could offer to
       people affected by leprosy was love and care, to the decades when
       doctors and scientists worked tirelessly to find a cure.

       Every day I'm so thankful for your amazing commitment to ending
       leprosy, and the breakthroughs in treatment that continue to be made

       There’s a blog on our website about the journey to discover the cure and
       the future for leprosy treatment that I hope you’ll find interesting.
       I’m inspired when I think that an incredible 16 million people have been
       cured of leprosy in the last 20 years thanks to your support. What an
       amazing legacy to be part of!

       Thank you for standing with people affected by leprosy through so many

        Kath Savage Cleaning                    Weekly or two-weekly for 2/3
                                                  hours depending on your
         (Chris Pullen’s daughter-in-law)       requirements. Days and times
        Reliable Top quality cleaning           negotiable - reasonable rates

        (Already cleaning for some of the      Contact Kath on 07762 282977
             lovely people at Church)            or Chris on 01929 423505

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