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P. 2

This booklet was created during the
                           Covid-19 Pandemic of  2020

                       or more accurately just prior to the

                                 second lockdown.

         During the first lockdown, whilst we experienced the first
          wave of  Covid-19, Anne created three Prayer Walk books

          which each contained an illustrated walk around different

            parts of  Swanage, and were interspersed with prayer.

              ‘In the Footsteps of  the Priest’ is slightly different.

           It contains Anne's musings about an imaginary priest's

          thoughts as he walked the Priests Way travelling through

            various centuries, and snippets of  history about places

           along the route or other parts of  his parish, with some

            comparisons to our life today, accompanied by pictures

         taken during the brief  period between the first and second

                           lockdowns of  the pandemic.

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