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Eastington Farm

       This lovely old farmhouse was built in the 17th century.

       When the East India ship, Halsewell, was blown onto rocks
       near Winspit in 1786  a member of  the crew managed to get
       ashore and climb up to Eastington Farm to raise the alarm.
       Eighty six lives were saved that night.

       Keates Stone Quarry. The Keates family have quarried this

       area for 300 years, but 145 million years ago this land was a
       shallow watering hole for dinosaurs who left their footprints
       in the soft mud. It dried out and solidified into rock. The
       prints remained hidden until Kevin Keates and Trev Haysom
       were working in the quarry in 1997 and recognised the

       fossilised dinosaur tracks. They show up more clearly after

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