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Happy New Church Year!

       This seasonal shout-out has gradually faded into oblivion during the
       last few weeks. As the dust has not yet settled on our Annual
       General Meeting it is still appropriate to wish you all a Happy New
       Church Year!

       AGMs mark the changing of the life of our Church. A time to reflect
       on the successes of the preceding year and also to look at the
       things we could have done better, and then on to the future. To
       change and adapt and to move forward together. To learn lessons
       and improve on what we did last year, and the years before that.

       Together, a simple word, but such a vital concept. The Oxford
       English Dictionary uses these words to describe it - ‘unite’, ‘in
       company with’, ‘one with another’. So, there you have it. Let’s go
       forward, united one with another and in the company of Christ to
       make this church a beacon to those who are without the knowledge
       of the love of God. This hymn, written by Bob Gillman (b 1946),
       reminds us:

                      Bind us together, Lord, Bind us together
                         With cords that cannot be broken.
                               Bind us together, Lord,
                                  Bind us together,
                             Bind us together with love.

       It was written in 1974. He says that the first few lines came to him
       during a Prayer Meeting, but the rest of it took a bit longer. (nb He
       managed a printing works for a time).

       We have a deep pool of talent to draw on. We have premises that
       are underused. We can command a stronger place in our
       community. We can achieve so much, together.

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