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                     Easter Joy

       Two men were walking along a
       dusty road. They were deep in
       conversation about the young leader
       who had given them hope for the
       future. They had really thought he
       was someone special, maybe the
       promised Messiah. Then their hopes
       were dashed when he was tried and cruelly put to death on a
       cross. Although, they had heard rumours that he had appeared to
       some of his followers.

       It was a lonely road and they were pleased to be joined by a third
       man, a stranger. He began to talk with them and  soon the
       conversation took a new turn. The stranger referred them to all the
       passages in the scriptures which prophesied the course of the
       Messiah's life. They were very excited by this and one said that his
       heart burned within him as he listened to the stranger's words.

       He accepted their offer to stay with them but it wasn't until the
       stranger broke bread at the table that they realised who he was -
       Jesus himself. Then he disappeared leaving them full of joy and

       Easter is a wonderful time for Christians but there is no doubt that
       we are all currently facing a number of challenges. What we have
       though is the hope that Jesus gives us, the same hope he gave to
       those two people walking the road to Emmaus. I pray that this
       Easter we all remember Jesus' message and may our hearts burn
       within us with joy and hope.

                              Wishing you every blessing for Easter

                              Love Janet

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