Page 32 - DRIVE A2B April 2020
P. 32
Taxi drivers
being made
to choose
Singapore a Self-Employed Person Income test fees
Relief Scheme. Administered
taxi and by the National Trades Union and feeding
Congress, it grants each eligible
private-hire driver $1,000 per month for nine families
car drivers to • Taxi companies with unhired By Conor Matchett
get financial cabs will get relief amounting Taxi and private hire drivers are
being asked to choose between
to $12 million. The industry's
aid unhired vehicle rate has risen feeding their families and paying
£350 for postponed council tests, a
from 9 per cent in January to as
high as 14 per cent, or close to union official has claimed.
by Christopher Tan
2,600 cabs, in mid-March, and "is
expected to rise further". Again, Scott Blair, from the Edinburgh
Singapore's government announced operators are to share savings Unite Cabs section, said drivers
on March 26 that they are going to with their drivers. were being asked to stump up
help the industry in several ways. the money for licencing tests
• The point-to-point licensing despite the Edinburgh City Council
"Our taxi and private-hire car fee will be waived for another test centre being closed due to
drivers have seen their takings fall six months (from a three- Coronavirus.
significantly, as more people work month waiver announced last
from home and as visitorship falls," Mr month). This will cost $3 million. He said: “The council said they will
Heng said. Operators are encouraged to extend drivers’ plates given they
pass on the savings to drivers. can’t be tested but they still want
The following measures will kick in the money.”
from May: • Eligible taxi and private-hire car
drivers will continue to receive “Guys are being asked to make the
• The point-to-point support the Special Relief Fund payment decision to feed their families or pay
package will be enhanced and of $300 per vehicle per month their test fees.”
extended to September. This until end September.
will cost taxpayers another $95 A renewal of a taxi licence costs a
million. About $78 million will The Government, however, will not driver £348 but drivers are not able
go towards main taxi hirers, defer a new licensing regime which is to have their vehicles tested due to
and qualifying private-hire car supposed to level the playing field for the licencing centre’s closure.
drivers, to be disbursed from taxi and private-hire car operators. A council spokesperson said: “We
May to September. This will are very aware of the licensing
benefit more than 40,000 drivers. The Street-Hail Service Operator issue and are urgently considering
Main hirers are encouraged to Licence and Ride-Hail Service solutions to support the trade and
share this with their relief drivers. Operator Licence starts in September drivers through these challenges.”
- Drivers can also look forward to 2020.
32 DRIVE A2B magazine · · April 2020