Page 28 - DRIVE A2B April 2020
P. 28
Looking at the
future of
Australian Road Research Board "Of all the first-world countries, on a Friday afternoon and a four-
(ARRB) Chief Executive Officer Australia is the only one without a wheel-drive appears in the front yard.
Michael Caltabiano and former Roads connected and automated test bed I use my mobile phone to access it
Australia Chief Executive Ian Webb ... we are literally a decade behind. and off we go. Leave it there at 6pm
joined Guy Hand on March 12 for the We're still trialling little shuttles on Sunday evening and somebody
latest episode of the Road Research around Australia when the rest of else comes and picks it up and
Radio podcast. They discussed issues the world has moved on." - Michael takes it away, or it drives itself away.
like how we will move from point A to Caltabiano (This) is the future model. This is not
point B in years to come, how users something that's 10 or 20 years away,
should be charged for roads, and why "At the present time, we are still this is almost touch and feel it now.
government needs to get moving on funding and building roads much The uptake from a society of these
future mobility solutions. as we always did, in the belief that services is going to happen in the
our road system is going to be blink of an eye." - Michael Caltabiano
Some excerpts from a fascinating there provided to the world as a
discussion include: service, when it's about to become a "We need to rethink the way we fund
business." - Ian Webb our infrastructure ... we need to have
"We're on the edge of a revolution ... a system in place where the users of
what this makes possible is the end of "If I want a red four-wheel-drive over the roads understand they'll pay a
private transport." - Ian Webb the weekend, I just dial up at 6pm distance-based charge." - Ian Webb.
28 DRIVE A2B magazine · · April 2020