Page 26 - DRIVE A2B April 2020
P. 26




        Support package vital to keep taxis working

        A support package to keep taxi   Mr Barton's suggestions include:-  private vehicles to transport our
        drivers working is essential to   •   diverting the $1 trip levy to   most vulnerable citizens. We need
        maintain transport options for   drivers                   to ensure proper training, proper
        Victoria's elderly, disabled and   •   emergency leave benefits  safety measures and consistent
        vulnerable, according to Eastern                           hygiene standards."
        Metro MP and Transport Matters   •   opening access to small
        Party leader Rod Barton.         business support          He also raised the risk of newly
                                      •   tolling exemptions       unemployed or underemployed
        Mr Barton has provided the Andrews   •   VicRoads registration fee   workers flocking to the rideshare
        Government with a list of solutions   exemption            sector to supplement their income
        that would support drivers and keep                        and he has asked that new driver
        essential transport services, such as   •   and a further delay on invoicing   accreditations be deferred for 6
        wheelchair access taxis, on the road.  for CPV accreditation fees.  months.

        "Taxis are an essential service that   "The regulator has failed to invoice   "New drivers to the sector would
        so many people rely on for the most   drivers for accreditation fees for the   further dilute what is a very over
        basic trips to supermarkets and   past three years. These payments   supplied market, not to mention
        medical appointments and we must   were due to resume this year, but   the increased health and safety
        keep them on the roads," said Mr   we would ask that the Government   risks of using private vehicles in
        Barton.                       wait now and review it again in 6   a commercial capacity," says Mr
                                      months. At $55 it’s little more than   Barton.
        Mr Barton wrote to the Treasurer   half a tank of fuel."
        and Minister for Public Transport in                       Other states and territories have
        March and has been in talks over   "We’ve also asked the Government   started to release assistance
        measures to assist drivers.   to intervene and offer financial   packages for the taxi and
                                      support for taxi driver depot fees,   commercial passenger vehicle
        "Many of the drivers and operators   and to allow taxis to pick up and   industry this week, and Mr Barton
        in the taxi industry work under   deliver medical scripts for those   says it is vital that Victoria release its
        a bailment arrangement and    eligible for the multi-purpose taxi   own package soon.
        are neither small businesses nor   program."
        employees. However, their pricing,                         "Drivers have had it tough for the
        hours and standards are set by the   Mr Barton has also asked for   last few years and for many this will
        Government through the Essential   suspension of rideshare trials of the   be the last straw."
        Services Commission - effectively they   multi-purpose taxi program.
        are employed by the state," he says.
                                      "This is not the time to allow
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