Page 23 - DRIVE A2B April 2020
P. 23

- it is no longer sufficient for our   CPV Industry Update  passengers - if not, then the
        industry to be seen as the "least                          driver is to politely excuse him/
        worse" mode of transportation at   The regulator - Commercial   herself from accepting the fare
        the lowest cost to the consumer.  Passenger Vehicles Victoria (CPVV)   and suggest another mode of
                                     is holding weekly video meetings   transport.  For example, one of the
        We provide a top level service for   and TAA representatives have   prospective passengers appears
        our clientele which is way beyond   joined other industry stakeholders   unwell, the driver can suggest that
        just taking them from A to B.  We   at these on-line conferences.  they get a patient transfer vehicle
        all deserve to be recognised for                           to take them to their destination.
        what we provide and to be paid   It is via these video meetings that
        accordingly.  As well, we need to   we are able to learn what CPVV is   CPVV is integrally involved in the
        continue pushing to support our   actively doing to assist industry   COVID-19 Taskforce, and it requests
        drivers and see how we can get the   stakeholders during the COVID-19   the public to report to it any driver
        Government to give support also.  crisis, and also receive answers   cases of COVID-19.  CPVV will then
                                     to some questions that need   remove these drivers from work
        Transport Alliance Australia, along   clarification.       until medically cleared.
        with Rod Barton MP and the entire
        Transport Matters Party team,   Essential services at this stage   CPVV has established a supply
        are actively advocating that the   are Public Transport (including   arrangement of Personal Protective
        Government support for small   CPVs), Vehicle Testers and Driving   Equipment (PPE) for BSPs.  This is
        business equally applies to those in   Instructors and therefore, as at the   a buyback program - meaning the
        our industry, particularly the bailee   time of writing, are exempt from   product is not free of charge.  You
        drivers.                     passenger number restrictions.  But   can request supply of PPE product
                                     drivers should always apply safety   and there will be a fee applicable
        We are aware that these are   principles when transporting their   to this product.  Updates will be
        difficult and challenging times;   passengers.             posted on the CPVV website under
        but together we will get through                           the COVID-19 link.
        this challenge.  Please look after   It is totally up to the driver whether
        yourselves.                  he/she feels comfortable taking

             YOUR VOICE with ...
             •  Victorian Industry Regulator
             •  Essential Services Commission
             •  and Melbourne Airport
                 @TransportAllianceAustralia                            per person/per year

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