Page 24 - DRIVE A2B April 2020
P. 24
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Some of the questions
covered during the
CPVV video meetings
Q: How do we notify CPVV about a air-conditioning to external airflow. And yes, four
driver suspected to have COVID-19 people from one family/household can travel
symptoms? together.
A: Via safety mailbox – mention COVID-19 and But if a passenger says they have Covid-19
their DC number and name. symptoms and wants to get a taxi, the driver has
the right to refuse the fare if the driver doesn’t feel
Q: What stage will trains and trams be safe and feels the trip would be a risk.
A: There is no guarantee public transport will Q: Normally WAT drivers are
stop at this stage. not allowed to refuse a fare for a
wheelchair bound passenger – but
Q: Can non-permanent residents during COVID-19 do they have the
access supplementary income? same right as other taxi drivers to
A: CPVV will provide a link on the FAQs for clarity refuse the fare?
around this.
A: If the driver feels that providing the service is a
risk to them, then yes. The driver must articulate
Q: Are there any changes to the $1 the reason for refusing the fare as a health and
levy or invoicing of the drivers? safety issue. CPVV is assisting the driver to make
A: At this stage, there is no change. this a safe working environment. Individual
safety is critical. The Driver must make sure that
Q: Is the deadline for updating Fare the refusal is not because of discrimination -
Calculation Devices still 30 April 2020? either due to race, disability, etc.
A: Yes it is. But if you believe that you are unable
to meet this deadline, please contact the CPVV If you are feeling depressed please reach
outlining your reason for being unable to comply out to someone - see page 36 for a list of
and they will assess each case individually.
Australian entities that can assist you.
Q: How many passengers can a CPV Of course, if you just want a chat I am
carry in one vehicle together? available to speak with you at any time. Best
wishes, stay strong, stay safe and stay sane.
A: There isn’t a limit on the number of
André Baruch
passengers, but whenever possible, passengers TAA National President
should sit in the back seat. Drivers should set the
24 DRIVE A2B magazine · · April 2020