Page 20 - DRIVE A2B April 2020
P. 20




        The outbreak of the        the fee they charge their   work must be extremely
        Coronavirus disease (COVID-19)   cabbies should really consider   informed and aware about
        has had a huge impact      doing so for a month or two as   precautionary actions and
        on the travel industry all   a measure of good faith.   driver responsibilities; they
        around Australia. Due to the                         must be very hygienic, carry
        restrictions placed on interstate   Transport Alliance Australia   hand sanitiser and keep their
        and international travel, flight   is working closely with the   car clean.
        numbers are next to zero.   Victorian government in
        Therefore, taxi drivers shouldn’t   assisting to disseminate   In the instance a driver is
        be relying on transporting   relevant updates.       waiting at the airport, they
        passengers from airports as   As public transport including   should not go and talk to other
        their income.                                        drivers – but instead should
                                   taxis is considered an essential   take the time to clean their car.
        The income of taxi drivers has   service at this stage, people –   In addition, passengers must sit
        fallen significantly since the   although not many – are still   in the back seat area of the taxi,
        outbreak. Booking Service   booking taxis.           hire car or rideshare vehicle.
        Providers / Networks / Depots   Taxi drivers who are lucky
        that haven’t reduced or waived
                                   enough to be receiving this
      20                    DRIVE A2B magazine · · April 2020
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