Page 17 - DRIVE A2B April 2020
P. 17

Kamaldeep Singh, who is       delivering food have been instructed   “Sikhs value generosity and believe in
        volunteering with the group, said from   to keep the packages at the doorstep   sharing wealth and helping anyone in
        food preparation to delivery, every   of those availing the service," said Mr   need whether it was in the time when
        service is being carried out under   Singh.                the country was facing the bushfire
        strict adherence of safety guidelines                      crisis or now when the country needs
        that have been put in place by the   "Volunteers receive the call, deliver   us the most. We are just doing our bit
        government.                   it to the given address, then leave a   because we believe in the wellbeing
                                      message confirming the delivery and   of all humanity,” said Mr Singh.
        “All volunteers preparing food are   move on to next. They do not come in
        wearing gloves and masks, and those   direct contact with the person in need.”

                            DRIVE A2B magazine · · April 2020           17
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