Page 14 - DRIVE A2B April 2020
P. 14

     NEWS             Get

                              T Too  Know

                        Michelle Kay  NSW Taxi Council
                            Administration & Executive Assistant

                                                                        Hello, my name is
               Who is someone you          How do you want              Michelle Kay and I work
               admire, and why?            people to remember           within Administration
                                           you?                         for the NSW Taxi
              My Mum, for her guidance,                                 Council and am also
              strength and sense of purpose.   I would like people to remember   the Executive Assistant
              Recently she was a Finalist for   me as a Good Egg who was useful   for the CEO and Deputy
              Volunteer of the Year (VIC) 2020   and brought people together.  CEO.
              and the Kingston Council Woman
              of the Year 2020.            Finish this sentence.        I have now been
                                           On Sunday mornings,          working within the
                                           you can usually find me...   Taxi Industry for twelve
               What's a typical day                                     months.
               like for you?              If I am not working on a Special   I previously worked in
                                          Event you would find me out and   The Human Resources,
              Assisting new Drivers to enter the   about walking my Border Collie   Workplace Health and
              NSW Taxi Industry; forwarding   named Badger, getting my daily   Safety and Training
              callers to the knowledgeable   steps up, and stopping for a Skinny   area.
              NSW Taxi Council Staff Members   Cap at one of the numerous coffee
              who can assist them; managing   shops in my neighbourhood.
              the administration of the NSW
              Taxi Council Office and Executive
              Assistant to the NSW Taxi Council   Do you have a FEVER?
              CEO and DCEO.
                                            These are common
               If you could be              symptoms, which        YES          NO
               anywhere other than          may vary person
               here, right now, where       to person.  Only a   Are you experiencing   Do you have
                                                                                  itchy eyes?
                                                           shortness of breath?
               would you be?                doctor can give you
                                            a diagnosis.    YES     NO         YES     NO
              In a COVID-19 free world.
                                                                                     You may have
                                                        You may have   You may have   You may have   the common
                                                         Coronavirus  the Flu  allergies  cold
               Do you have any                          Other symptoms Other symptoms  Other symptoms Other symptoms
               skills or talents that                   •  Cough  •  Cough  •  Sneezing  •  Sneezing
               most people don’t               National   •  Sore throat  •  Sore throat  •  Runny nose  •  Runny nose
                                                                                    •  Mild chest
                                                                 •  Fatigue
                                                        •  Fatigue
               know about?                   Coronavirus   •  Exhaustion  •  Exhaustion        discomfort
                                             Hotline 24/7   •  Shortness of   •  Muscle pain
              I am a qualified Aromatherapy and   1800 675 398          You can also check your symptoms at
              Massage Therapist.                              
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