Page 11 - DRIVE A2B April 2020
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Furthermore, the NSW Taxi Industry for NSW to discuss the crisis facing the NSW taxi industry. This relates
welcomes the Federal Government Taxis. Following the meeting, the to relief on operating costs for all
Stimulus Assistance packages NSW Taxi Council submitted a Taxi stakeholders, including Licence
announced recently. The NSW Taxi Industry Stimulus Proposal, for Owners, Networks, Operators and
Council has prepared material Treasury to review and consider. Drivers.
including videos and fact sheets
from the Federal Government - to Furthermore, the NSW Taxi Council Finally, in terms of opportunities for
assist with understanding what has been advocating for Taxis to be the industry, the NSW Taxi Council
the Federal Government Stimulus allowed to cross borders where they has been working with its member
Packages mean for the taxi licence have been closed, in response to Networks in NSW to look into other
owners, taxi drivers, operators, the COVID-19 outbreak. revenue opportunities for taxis, to
networks and other stakeholders of We are pleased to help recover some lost demand as
the industry. a result of COVID-19. Some of the
confirm that we have opportunities being considered
Whilst the NSW Taxi Council been successful in include parcels, food and pharmacy
continues to work together with the products.
Government in navigating through having Taxis included
this challenging time for the as an exemption for The NSW Taxi Council would like to
industry, we recognise that more crossing the Queensland remind everyone to Stay Safe, Stay
needs to be done for the NSW Taxi border to transfer Healthy and Keep Sanitising. We are
Industry due to the historic downfall all in this together.
in demand for Taxis. passengers seeking
medical attention.
The NSW Taxi Council, together with
other industry representatives, met Also, we are continuously
with the Point to Point Transport advocating for the Government
Commissioner, as well as Transport to provide other forms of relief for
Martin Rogers – CEO, NSW Taxi Council explaining the Taxi Specific Cleaning Video for drivers and operators
DRIVE A2B magazine · · April 2020 11