Page 7 - DRIVE A2B April 2020
P. 7
There are a number of ways
to support your mental health
during periods of self-isolation
or quarantine, and here are a
few tips from Beyond Blue.
• Remind yourself that this is a
temporary period of isolation to
slow the spread of the virus.
• Remember that your effort
is helping others in the
community avoid contracting
the virus.
• Stay connected with friends,
sneezing into a tissue or our elbow, and family and colleagues via
disinfecting our work and home environments. email, social media, video
Come to think of it, a future of self-driving cars conferencing or telephone.
is not such an outlandish thought. It would • Connect with others via the
surely be an effective way to travel and protect Beyond Blue forums thread:
ourselves from fast-spreading, infectious Coping during the coronavirus
viruses. outbreak.
This issue of DRIVE A2B has a big • Engage in healthy activities that
concentration on articles relating to COVID-19. you enjoy and find relaxing.
There are articles on what you can do to keep • Keep regular sleep routines and
safe, what assistance various government eat healthy foods.
departments are offering taxi, hire car,
limousine and rideshare drivers and operators, • Try to maintain physical activity.
and who to contact if you need help. • Establish routines as best
Even though you may be locked at home, possible and try to view this
locked in your car, away from your loved ones period as a new experience that
now more than ever before, it does not mean can bring health benefits.
you are alone during this crisis. • For those working from home,
try to maintain a healthy
A huge thank you to all taxi, hire car, limo and balance by allocating specific
rideshare drivers who are still out there on the work hours, taking regular
road, making a difference to those who need breaks and, if possible,
public transport - those who need something establishing a dedicated work
collected, such as prescriptions and groceries, space.
transporting people to necessary ongoing
medical appointments and even taking some • Avoid news and social media if
to work. Keep doing a great job, stay safe and you find it distressing.
stay well.
Mrs Toni Peters
DRIVE A2B Editor