Page 8 - DRIVE A2B April 2020
P. 8
FREE course
Hygiene for drivers and
with information
Training on suitable hygiene
practices for the
current COVID-19
pandemic & beyond.
A hygiene training course for taxi medical appointments". sick passengers and those who need
and personalised transport drivers "It's vital that we keep taxis and assistance.
was launched on 30 March to ensure personalised transport options on the Mr Baruch said as travel restrictions
drivers understand and use hygiene roads to give these groups access to change over coming weeks many
best practises during the COVID-19 essential services." people would find travelling to the
crisis. supermarket or regular medical
DRVR Training Director Jacqui
Transport Alliance Australia and driver Shephard said there was a lot of appointments increasingly difficult.
professional development provider, uncertainty and anxiety surrounding "It is the elderly, immune
DRVR Training, have partnered to the industry in the midst of this compromised and people with
ensure drivers and operators are up COVID-19 pandemic. disability who will find increased travel
to speed on cleaning and sanitising restrictions particularly difficult and
requirements and standards needed "This is crucial training for drivers it's important that we have, as an
to keep drivers and passengers safe. which is why we are offering it for FREE
to all drivers," she said. industry, a standard that ensures they
Transport Alliance Australia National are still able to get to appointments in
President André Baruch said, "Taxis The course gives drivers an the safest possible way," he said.
and other personalised transport understanding of the virus and why View course details at https://www.
operators are essential services proper hygiene is important, practical
and many vulnerable people in our instructions for sanitising vehicles, drivers.
communities already rely on them and guidance for communication
for day-to-day access to shops and with passengers and dealing with Enrol today for FREE!
8 DRIVE A2B magazine · · April 2020