Page 13 - DRIVE A2B April 2020
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Point reforms to date and advise if further
structural adjustments are needed to ensure NSW Government says
the long term viability of the sector and to
realise positive customer outcomes. No more taxi
3. Consider if there are regional locations at licences for NSW
risk of losing point to point transport services,
and identify:
On 30 March 2020, Transport for NSW (TfNSW) made a
(a) Appropriate interventions to address local determination that from 1 July, 2020:
transport needs
• Zero taxi licences will be issued for Sydney and
(b) Any measures, including any changes to • Zero licences will be issued outside Sydney.
industry structure specific to the regions, that
may be needed to support the continued Tf NSW recognises that there has already been significant
participation of Point to Point transport economic impacts due to COVID-19 travel restrictions and
service providers in the local transport social isolation measures, and the uncertainty of further
market, especially for those providing impacts as the situation develops, and therefore it is not
wheelchair accessible services and other appropriate to issue additional taxi licences at this time.
services to vulnerable communities
(c) Any further support needed for wheelchair
Overall, the review will investigate if there is
a need for any further assistance or structural
adjustment within the sector and will consider
the particular challenges facing Point to Point
transport operators in regional areas of NSW.
The review will be led by Sue Baker-Finch,
who brings extensive executive leadership
experience in commercial, government and
not for profit sectors. Tenterfield Taxi is expanding its services to support
those opting to stay close to home. The taxi is now offering
The NSW Taxi Council is currently working an Uber-eats type operation with door-to-door delivery
with Transport for NSW, to look at effective of takeaways from those eateries still operating. This also
ways to engage and consult with key extends to purchases from the pharmacy or a few necessities
stakeholders within the NSW Taxi Industry, from the supermarket or even just transferring items between
particularly with the challenges we currently family members and friends.
have in place with social distancing. We will Dubbo Radio Cabs is calling on businesses to
be communicating this in more detail shortly.
collaborate with them in conducting home deliveries. The
The NSW Taxi Council will continue to business will take the orders, book a taxi and the taxi will
advocate for a fair and just compensation then deliver the groceries or items to the desired location. A
spokesperson from Dubbo Radio Cabs said customers would
for the traditional members of the NSW Taxi pay the business for the groceries as well as a cab fee.
Industry in metro and regional NSW who have
suffered from a significant loss of income, NSW Taxi Council would love to hear about your positive innovative stories
due to reforms in the Point to Point Transport in this challenging time. If you are doing anything innovative to adapt
sector in 2015, the dreadful bushfires and to the rapidly changing times for the NSW Taxi Industry or are aware of
currently the fall in demand due to the impact anyone involved in innovation related to taxis and taxi businesses in NSW
of the COVID-19 pandemic on the industry. please email your story to
DRIVE A2B magazine · · April 2020 13