Page 25 - DRIVE A2B April 2020
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National Coronavirus
Health Information
Hotline (24/7)
1800 020 080
Suspect you have
COVID-19 call Vic Dept
of Health and Human
Services Hotline (24/7)
Many questions have been asked of CPVV during this time of crisis and the most
Frequently Asked Questions are placed on their website for all to read and be 1800 675 398
informed. The areas that the FAQs are addressing are:- & also
• Working during the pandemic
email CPVV at
• Keeping vehicles clean
• If you have symptoms, catch Coronavirus or are in contact with someone with it case.assessment@
• Financial and business issues _____________
We have listed a few of the more common FAQs here for your information.
Concerns about your
Q: Can drivers choose not to accessible surfaces with appropriate health call healthdirect
work if they are worried about disinfectant wipes as soon is practical. and speak to a registered
contracting the virus? Can their health nurse
employer sack them? Q: What if I have been in close 1800 022 222
Individual circumstances will depend on contact with a confirmed case _____________
employment contracts and we encourage for coronavirus (COVID-19)? Concern, queries,
drivers to seek advice from their booking If you have been identified by DHHS as feedback relating to
service provider about the arrangements having had close contact with someone operational issues that
to support drivers during this time. diagnosed with COVID-19, you will be affect the Victorian
required to self-isolate for 14 days. commercial passenger
Q: Can I ask passengers A Public Health Officer from the DHHS vehicle industry, email
to apply disinfectant hand will contact you daily to monitor you for
sanitiser? symptoms.
Yes you can ask but you cannot demand You must also notify CPVV immediately.
that they do so. You will be served with a Prohibition
Notice requiring you to cease providing
Q: How can I keep my vehicle commercial passenger vehicle services Q: Does the
clean to minimise the impact of immediately. There are significant court coronavirus survive
the virus? penalties for non-compliance with a on surfaces?
You should regularly clean and disinfect Prohibition Notice. The Victorian DHHS has
surfaces in your vehicle which you and If you receive confirmation from a doctor advised studies suggest that
your passengers touch, as well as wash or Public Health Officer that you can cease coronavirus (COVID-19) may
your own hands thoroughly with soap and your self-isolation, please contact CPVV at persist on surfaces for a few
water, or hand sanitiser, regularly. so that hours or up to several days.
Keep a box of tissues in your car, and if you they can arrange for the reinstatement of If you think a surface on your
do cough or sneeze, use a tissue, dispose your driver accreditation. vehicle may be infected,
of it straight away and then wash your Until then, you must remain in self- clean it with a common
hands. If a passenger or driver sneezes, isolation and must not provide any household disinfectant to kill
coughs or vomits, drivers should clean commercial passenger vehicle services. the virus.
DRIVE A2B magazine · · April 2020e · · April 2020
DRIVE A2B magazin 25