Page 33 - DRIVE A2B April 2020
P. 33
Perspex In the video, the driver later introduces
screens Pakistani taxi himself and describes the sentiment
behind the free-of-charge services.
could drivers give “My name is Syed Sheraz and I am
help stop free rides to from Pakistan. There are hundreds of
Pakistani drivers providing social services
the virus medical staff in Barcelona in this crisis. Whenever a
calamity strikes, we are always ready to
spread in Corona-hit provide our services to the host country."
Spain “In 2017, there was a terrorist incident,
Eric Hatton, a taxi driver even at that time Pakistanis provided
in Ireland, believes that by BR Web Desk residents social services, by giving them
the installation of perspex free rides," he said.
windows installed in the As deadly Coronavirus is spreading like He said that as Spain became the third
vehicles (similar to what is a wild fire in Spain, Pakistani taxi drivers hardest-hit country by COVID-19, Pakistani
in the London Black Cabs) in Barcelona are providing free rides drivers working there decided to give free
could reduce the risk of to medical staff, who are fighting the of cost service to medical staff.
transference of COVID-19 COVID-19 on the frontlines.
within taxis. Furthermore, the doctor, who was shown
Pakistani actress Nadia Jamil shared a
video of an international publication on in the cab, also introduced himself and
Eric says he has stopped Twitter, which showed Pakistani drivers expressed gratitude towards the Pakistani
people sitting in the front playing their part in helping out the cab drivers providing their services at this
seat since the outbreak. time. “Hopefully, we will come out of this
medical staff.
crisis together," he said.
“I’ve asked them to sit in
the back. But they are still
only three feet away from
you. It works both ways. 1300 133 353
You could be passing stuff
onto them,” he said.
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DRIVE A2B magazine · · April 2020 33