Page 35 - The 2021 Spring & Summer Club Braman Magazine
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To learn more about Dr. Akel’s practices, visit and
Over time, Dr. Akel’s passion for both dentistry Many family members and friends have
and BMWs continued to grow. Two decades in, followed his lead and procured BMWs from
he has expanded to five offices, including two Braman Motorcars. The newfound Club
locations for his affiliated practice Big Smiles Braman membership has even allowed them
Dentistry in Lake Worth and Greenacres—the to take advantage of some tutelage at Palm
latter an ultra-modern space showcasing Dr. Beach International Raceway under Braman
Akel’s constant pursuit of perfection. This is Performance Driver, Freddie Rhemrev.
an obsession reflected by his carefully curated
collection of Bavaria’s most iconic automobiles. Unlike some who enjoy a flashy sports car that
falls apart under everyday driving demands,
Dr. Akel’s stable includes a classic 3.0 CS, Dr. Akel prefers the comfort, class, and peace
which gave birth to the 3 Series; an 850 CSi, of mind that comes with BMW ownership.
from which today’s M-cars can draw a direct While there’s no unwanted attention, each of
lineage; America’s only Alpina B12 5.0 Coupe, his cars still pack a punch—most especially his
which was previously on display at the brand’s newly-purchased 494 horsepower M4 GTS.
factory in South Carolina; and a quirky Z1,
with its extraordinary up-and-down doors, The experience is an extraordinary one,
and unbelievable 187 original miles. best enjoyed by extraordinary people (and
dentists!), like Dr. Akel.
There’s also his daily driver: the one-year only
M8 Competition coupe.
Despite this collection of breathtaking
machines, Dr. Akel’s favorite is a factory-
restored 3.0 CS. To Dr. Akel, the CS’s sharp looks
and unique style are the very pinnacle of BMW. 35