Page 46 - The 2021 Spring & Summer Club Braman Magazine
P. 46
Straight from
the source
HUMANITY OFTEN REDEFINES THE ARTISTRY Growing up the daughter to music
of which we are capable on the heels of an enthusiasts who operated a family-owned
era-defining challenge. From the paintings night club and managed a band in addition
and sculptures of the Renaissance to the to their day jobs, Shenita was surrounded
radical pop music which invaded the by live music; the soundtrack of her youth
airwaves of the ‘60s, art is never more was an eclectic mix of gospel, rock, and
beautiful than when it is needed most. Now, classical, with vocal influences provided by
we find ourselves amid another historic Donna Summer, Loretta Lynn, and the iconic
period, but virtuosity emerging from the Whitney Houston.
COVID-19 pandemic features an additional
element: self-empowerment. While she achieved a formal degree in music
business and classical voice, Shenita credits
This in particular has been critical for Club her melodious childhood and years at the
Braman member and singer/songwriter, forefront of a cover band for her innate
Shenita Hunt, who is now working on her ability to identify the particular notes and
second self-produced album. rhythms people react to most positively.