Page 41 - The 2021 Spring & Summer Club Braman Magazine
P. 41

Going                                             KIRKLAND had a big problem.   corporate events interested in

                                                                JOHN CRITCHETT AND PAGET
                                                                                            experiencing the very best West
                                                              The two had put together an
                                                                                            Palm Beach has to offer.
                                                              incredible Palm Beach excursion

                                                              BMW’s offices in Japan.  One of
                                                                                            only to all details and thinking
            the distance                                      for a group of businessmen from   John and Paget’s dedication not
                                                                                            well ahead, but their ability to
                                                              the most critical elements was a
                                                                                            adapt quickly is perhaps what
                                                              day at Palm Beach International
                                                              Raceway—where the executives
                                                              would spend the day behind the   helped pull them through a
                                                                                            year in which a majority of
                                                              wheels of some of the most exciting   their business opportunities
                                                              BMW models on the planet.     evaporated nearly overnight.
                                                                                            Rather than close their doors,
                                                              Unfortunately, in a classic case   the two set to work modifying
                                                              of South Florida being South   pre-planned events—ensuring
                                                              Florida, on this particular day the   socially-distanced tables and
                                                              track was being assaulted by a   individual coffee machines
                                                              deluge of rain rather than rubber.   as well implementing COVID
                                                              The event was a nonstarter.   testing prior to, and after an
                                                                                            event at a local five-star hotel—
                                                              Of course, John and Paget’s   and safety-proofing their trolleys
                                                              motto is “From concept to     by chaining off seating, installing
                                                              completion”—so there was no   sanitation stations, and fogging
                                                              way a little rain would ruin   the interiors to eliminate any and
                                                              this parade. The two quickly   all germs.
                                                              chartered private helicopters to
                                                              fly the group a few hours north to   John also has set up agreed-
                                                              Orlando Speed World Dragway,   upon protocols with the city of
                                                              thus saving the day quicker than   West Palm Beach which their
                                                              a full blast down the quarter   Trolleys will abide by when the
                                                              mile. However, what might be   time finally comes to relax public
                                                              considered a Herculean effort of   transportation concerns.
                                                              coordination and quick-thinking
                                                              was simply another day at the   For a couple intimately familiar
                                                              office for the two experienced   with the demands of local traffic
                                                              high-end event coordinators.   and roads, it’s understandable
                                                                                            that only the best personal
                                                              John and Paget met by way of   vehicle will suffice. Paget counts
                                                              professional overlap—he had a   a 3 Series, 6 Series, and an X5
                                                              chauffeur service he had started   among her prior BMWs, but
                                                              out of his Boynton Beach home,   her latest 8 Series convertible
                                                              while she worked for an event   is perhaps her favorite—and a
                                                              planning company in need of   big reason why she insists she’ll
                                                              reliable and professional client   continue to be a  Braman BMW
                                                              transportation. One thing led to   fan for life.
                                                              another, and the two launched
                                                              Kirkland Event and Destination   The Ultimate Driving Machine
                                                              Services in 2006, then purchased   for two entrepreneurs who
                                                              the Molly’s Trolleys franchise   specialize in delivering the
                                                              in 2018. In the years since, they   ultimate transportation and
              To learn how John and Paget can help you plan   doubled the trolley’s fleet and   hospitality experience? It’s a
              your next intimate or corporate outing, visit   equipment, and established    match that couldn’t be more
    , and  themselves as the premiere   perfect had John and Paget
                                                              resource for private and      planned it themselves.

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