Page 14 - Club Braman Magazine_Fall-Winter.22
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THE HOLIDAY SEASON HAS ALWAYS BEEN ONE She had just won one of Club Braman’s coveted trips for
OF MAGIC. It’s a time of gift-giving, gatherings of two to the Dominican Republic resort of Casa de Campo.
family, and sometimes life-changing surprises. The
latter proved the case last December for long-time Almost before the shock could completely wear
Club Braman member, Rana Sebai. Though she’d off, Rana was struck by an idea that would turn an
attended many Signature Events—and enjoyed each already splendid blessing, perfect. She contacted Casa
immensely—something felt a little different about the de Campo representatives to secure one additional
2021 Braman BMW Jupiter holiday party. She could invitation. With that, her plan was set in motion.
feel it.
It had been several years since Rana’s two sons had left
Whether some unspoken alchemy in the air or simply home to pursue lives of their own. One had jetted off to
an overdue turn of luck it mattered not; as Master of Pittsburgh, while the other made his way to Chicago.
Ceremonies Ron Brooks broadcast the final numbers Despite being extremely close, the physical distance
of the evening’s grand prize raffle ticket, Rana felt her meant the three hadn’t had the opportunity to spend
heart swell. Unable to stop herself, she shouted out the time together in some time.
final two digits as though they were preordained.
9/7/2022 6:16:21 PM
2022-Fall-Winter Magazine_v3.indd 14
2022-Fall-Winter Magazine_v3.indd 14 9/7/2022 6:16:21 PM