Page 12 - Club Braman Magazine_Fall-Winter.22
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WHERE ON EARTH CAN THOSE tables surrounded the popular blackjack All were playing for raffle tickets which
PRECIOUS SECONDS between a fresh tables in front of the main stage. could be purchased with chips prior to
blackjack hand, spin of the roulette the end of the festivities. A mad dash to
wheel, or yank of a slot machine handle Participants arrived early and—after collect as many as possible culminated
be enjoyed entirely risk-free? When it a quick stop at the entrance bars for a only seconds before the announcement
comes to Casino Royale, Club Braman complimentary beer, hard seltzer, or glass of the night’s winners.
members can gamble on any of the of wine—headed straight to the games.
the games of chance offered—and an Centered in the room was a spirited All were eagerly playing for the grand
enjoyable evening is always a sure bet. DJ, who helped maintain an energetic prize: a 3-night stay at the inimitable
atmosphere throughout the night. Casa de Campo in the Dominican
While the rainy weather that greeted Republic. Unfortunately, only one could
guests left something to be desired, the Upon arrival, each Club Braman member emerge as the ultimate winner, and
accommodating Embassy Suites by and their guests were gifted $500 of after the final ticket number was read,
Hilton West Palm Beach serving as the playing money. Free to gamble however Club Braman member Susan K. stood
night’s clubhouse did not disappoint. The they chose, some lost it all—but many alone—slightly shocked, but eternally
chamber was stacked with options to suit more ended up doubling or even tripling grateful. Not bad for a weeknight trip to
every preference; dozens of slot machines their capital! the casino!
lined the walls and lengthy roulette
9/7/2022 6:16:11 PM
2022-Fall-Winter Magazine_v3.indd 12
2022-Fall-Winter Magazine_v3.indd 12 9/7/2022 6:16:11 PM