Page 8 - Club Braman Magazine_Fall-Winter.22
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THE SUN WAS HIGH WITH THE TEMPERATURE TO MATCH. The were our own, and were revered for decades as the closest thing
surrounding wetlands buzzed with the crooning of insects—a to automotive nirvana for South Florida enthusiasts. Now, the
concert intermittently punctuated by the staccato blasts of insect’s symphony remains, but the roars of engines and scent
exhaust and squealing of tires. On this particular day all five of burnt rubber only haunt our memories. PBIR, still defiantly
senses and even a sixth were keyed-up; there was something remembered by many as Moroso, is dead.
special, though conclusive in the air.
After 58 years, the home for local drifters, mud truckers, car show
One after the other, the vibrantly-colored MINIs raced through aficionados, go-kart, drag and road racers now faces a murky
the tight twists of scorching asphalt, as they had many times future. What is certain, is the site will be sorely missed by Club
before. However, there was an extra tinge of urgency. There were Braman members. A long and fruitful relationship spanning
feelings of celebration and heartbreak in equal measure. Though nearly two decades resulted in multiple driving events, auto
the autocross they participated in was a race against time, each crosses, and showcases for Braman Motorcars clients. Some test
driver yearned to stretch every last second. drove BMWs, others raced MINIs, and the truly fortunate sampled
some of Porsche’s most incredible machines in their natural
Far-flung in the middle of no-man’s land and nestled off a environment. Even a brave Bentley owner or two has partaken
desolate stretch of Beeline Highway, Palm Beach International over the years.
Raceway has known many sights, sounds, and even names over
the years. Though the track and facilities were never perfect, they
9/7/2022 6:16:05 PM
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2022-Fall-Winter Magazine_v3.indd 8 9/7/2022 6:16:05 PM