Page 79 - 2022-Spring Summer Magazine_FINAL Single_Neat
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It is also incredibly exhausting. the congestion of any parking lot. The PDK transmission
with a newly-added eight gear never makes itself known
Fortunately, amid all the automotive angels serving their god unless prompted, and all-wheel drive provides peace of mind
of ostentation, there also stalks a demon. One which prays in all weather.
at the altar of ennui and excels in providing a calm, rational,
and downright normal driving affair. This plain-clothed Of course, deep within the pedestrian personality lies a
pariah earnestly executes its purpose; which absolutely redeeming heart of gold. A fewer than three second stomp
terrifies its peers. of the pedal rockets the Turbo S past 60 mph from a dead
stop. Those fortuitous enough can keep their foot planted for
The 2022 Porsche Turbo S Cabriolet is devilishly ordinary— several seconds more and approach 200; those not however
and is as a result, the holy grail of sports cars. can lean on the 16.5-inch carbon-ceramic front brake rotors
to shed speed in nearly equal measure—coming to rest in
Eschewing the need to exercise every single one of the 640 less distance than exotic machinery requiring exponentially
horsepower provided by its twin-turbocharged flat six- more expense. On a backroad or racetrack, few of its
cylinder, the Turbo S putters along at five or 50 mph with contemporaries—or lionized icons of automotive history
equal content. With top fully intact, whispered conversations for that matter—can match its divine DNA, derived from
resonate throughout its luxurious leather-appointed decades of motorsport dominance.
interior, and potholes are mindlessly absorbed by the
compliant, electronically-sophisticated chassis. Yet the Turbo S remains maddeningly mundane, satisfied
in speaking softly as others shout, and idling forward as
Most importantly, solar worshippers can practice their its rivals sprint. Leave the scripture to the goody-goodies
sunrise salutations with the touch of a single switch. with their bellowing exhausts and spoilers reaching toward
the heavens; the 911 Turbo S is a proud sinner—and all the
Though sporting tell-tale rear vents and several subtle better for it.
aerodynamic enhancements, the Turbo S can still blend into
To browse current Porsche 911 inventory, visit 79