Page 36 - Online Basic Education Student Manual
P. 36


            MINOR OFFENSES
               ●  The  COMPLAINANT/S  shall  file  a  charge  using  OSA  ONLINE  STUDENT
                   COMPLAINT Form.
               ●  The  COMPLAINANT/S  shall  submit  evidence  and  accompany  WITNESSES  to
                   submit testimonies that shall substantiate the CHARGE/FILED CASE.
               ●  The OSA will send via email the NOTICE OF ONLINE CONFERENCE to the
                   COMPLAINANT/S and the RESPONDENT/S.
               ●  The  COMPLAINANT/S  shall  meet  the  RESPONDENT/S  face-to  face  via
                   zoom/google meet (Parents shall be invited) to respond to rebuttals.
               ●  The COMPLAINANT/s shall receive a written result of the FILE CASE/CHARGE
                   to inform her/him/them as to whether disciplinary sanction shall be meted out or
               ●  The  COMPLAINANT/S  and  the  RESPONDENT/S  shall  undergo  guidance  and
                   counseling session/s jointly or separately based on the discretion of the Guidance

            MAJOR OFFENSES
               ●  The COMPLAINANT/S shall file a charge against the RESPONDENT/S using the
                   OSA ONLINE STUDENT COMPLAINT Form.
               ●  After  filing,  the  COMPLAINANT/S  shall  submit  proofs  and  evidence,  and
                   accompany  witness/es  to  submit  testimonies  to  substantiate  the  FILED
               ●  The OSA will send via email the NOTICE OF ONLINE CONFERENCE to the
                   COMPLAINANT/S and RESPONDENT/S.
               ●  The  COMPLAINANT/S  and  the  RESPONDENT/S  shall  attend  an  ONLINE
                   HEARING/S via zoom as scheduled by the DISCIPLINARY BOARD in order to
                   answer and ask question/s.
               ●  After the ONLINE HEARING/S, the COMPLAINANT/S and RESPONDENT/S
                   shall  wait  for  the  result  of  the  evaluation  of  the  Disciplinary  Board  (written
                   recommendation to the School President).
               ●  The COMPLAINANT/S and the RESPONDENT/S receives the copy of approval
                   of the School President on Disciplinary Board’s RECOMMENDATION.
               ●  The  COMPLAINANT/S  and  the  RESPONDENT/S  shall  undergo  guidance  and
                   counseling session/s jointly or separately based on the discretion of the Guidance

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