Page 10 - LHP News Autumn 2018
P. 10

What’s that coming over the hill?

          Universal Credit

          Universal Credit is a new benefit introduced by the government. Universal Credit
          has already been rolled out in North East Lincolnshire and is being rolled out
          from 12 September 2018 in Boston. This means your benefits may be changing.
          But don’t worry, it doesn’t have to be scary.

          Don’t get it? We know. It took us a while too. Basically Universal Credit brings many working age
          benefits into one single monthly payment for people in or out of work.

          It replaces some benefits and tax credits including Income Support, Income-based Jobseekers
          Allowance, Income-related Employment and Support Allowance, Housing Benefit, Working Tax Credit
          and Child Tax Credit.

          If you receive Housing Benefit for your rent, this will stop and the money will be paid directly to you as
          part of your Universal Credit payment. You need to pay your rent to LHP yourself. This should be your
          top priority. Remember – rent first.

          Tell us...

          The Department for Work and Pensions will ask you to make a claim for Universal Credit
          when it is your turn to do so. You can make a claim online at

          As soon as you are in receipt of Universal Credit, you must tell us so we can talk about
          how you will pay your rent.

                                            Set up a Direct Debit

                         Universal Credit applications can take up to six weeks to be processed. Avoid
                         getting into arrears, prevent us taking action against you and don’t risk losing
                         your home by paying a little extra rent each week to build up your credit.

                                There are lots of ways to pay but Direct Debit is the quickest and easiest.

                                0345 604 1472
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