Page 15 - LHP_Winter_2018_Web_Neat
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DOING IT UP!                                                      SWAP!

                                                              Need more bedrooms? Downsizing?
                                                              Want to move closer to family or a new
                                                              job? A mutual exchange is a quick way
                                                              for two or more households to swap
                                                              homes and move to the areas of their

                                                              The Housing Act 1985 gives tenants the right to do
                                                              this with another LHP, council or housing association
                                                              tenant from this or any other area. You may be
                                                              eligible - with our permission - to exchange or
                                                              ‘swap’ your property if:

                                                              • you live in self-contained accommodation, for
                                                                example a house or flat
                                                              • both you and the tenant you want to exchange
                                                                homes with are renting your homes from the
 Home ownership manager Sarah Smaller with Doer-Upper owner Jason  council or housing association
                                                              • both of you have a secure or assured tenancies.

 Since its launch less than a year ago,   The Doer-Upper scheme is open to anyone who   ALL NEW MEWS  An exchange is an ‘assignment of tenancies’, which
 a third of LHP Doer-Upper homes have   lives or works in North East Lincolnshire, who   means you enter an agreement to hand over your
 doesn’t own a property already and meets other
 been successfully sold.  eligibility criteria.  Pilgrim Mews is a modern complex of one bedroom   tenancy to the other party in the exchange, and
                                                              they do the same. You then take responsibility for
 At up to 35% off the market value, homes from as   The scheme is designed for owner-occupiers   flats and studio apartments in the heart of Boston   the other party’s tenancy on the same terms and
 little as £9,750* are offered through our popular   not property investors, developers or landlords   part of a multi-million pound refurbishment   conditions as them.
 scheme.  and priority is given to existing LHP tenants   programme which saw the the transformation of
        the former older person’s scheme.
 and residents living or working in North East                The benefits of a mutual exchange
 Doer-Uppers provide an affordable home ownership   Lincolnshire.
 opportunity and innovative empty property                    A mutual exchange can offer a quick way to move
 refurbishment programme enabling local residents   The sales do not affect any occupied property and   and can be easy to arrange. It is particularly useful if
 to purchase their own home while ‘doing it up’.  therefore no existing tenant or leaseholder. *lowest priced three-bedroom home with 35% off the market value available at time of print.  you:

 Located across North East Lincolnshire, the two,             • need a smaller or larger home
 three and four-bedroom homes vary in specification   “THIS SCHEME IS PROVING POPULAR   • are interested in moving to a new area
 from needing redecoration and upgrading to more   GREAT TO BE ABLE TO OFFER A   • want to find a more suitable home
 comprehensive work.                                          • want to avoid a lengthy wait for a transfer
 DIFFERENT ROUTE IN TO HOME                                   • want to remain a LHP tenant or a tenant of a
 Since its launch the scheme has proved popular with            registered provider of housing.
 local people grabbing the chance to get a foot on
 the property ladder without needing a huge deposit   LHP home ownership manager   FIND THE DOER-UPPER FOR YOU   Visit for more
 or falling foul of rising property prices.  Sarah Smaller  AT WWW.LINCOLNSHIREHP.COM  information.

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