Page 25 - BiTS_03_MARCH_2024
P. 25

BiTS: When you were learning guitar and starting to perform, did you have lessons, or are you

    VL: No, I was self-taught for
    many  years  and  then  after
    years  and  years  and  years,  I
    sort of hung out in a few guitar
    workshops with some famous
    blues guys and just listened to
    what  they  had  to  say,  and  I
    took on board that stuff. So a
    lot of the things I learned like
    from other people was much
    later. I think initially, I sort of
    like  just  listened  and  I  was
    really quite obsessive about it.
    So I pretty much figured it out
    just from listening to records
    over and over like we used to.

    BiTS: Do you have a favourite
    track on the album?

    VL: Oh, I don't know. I mean,
    they're  all  like  favourites
    really, because that's the thing,
    they’re all things that are in my
    head  that  I've  never  really
    committed  to  anything.  So
    there's no real record of it and,
    I  mean,  all  we  did  with  the
    records is we just took all the
    audios from the videos that we
    did,  we  picked  the  ones  we                 Vince and Sophie with the ‘Frankenstein’ bass.
    thought sit nicely together and
    we  just  went  through  it.  So
    there's  stuff  by  Tom  Waits.
    There's old stuff by Blind Willie McTell and there's all sorts of stuff on there. It's a wild combination
    of whatever we chose to do and sometimes it's not the whole track because for whatever reason we
    got interrupted. If you listen carefully, you might hear  some farmyard animals and there’s definitely
    some wind, and stuff like that, because we're literally outside.

    BiTS: You say you're preparing an album for the studio, is that right?

    VL: Yes, yes.

    BiTS: When's that one? Is that being recorded now or what?

    VL: Yeah, we're in the process of doing it. I've recorded most of the songs that I really wanted to do
    and they’re already done but I wanted to flesh it out a bit more, so I need a bit more time to sort of
    like just pull out a few more tracks from my head to make up the numbers, if  you know what I mean.
    But the stuff that I really wanted to do, we've pretty much nailed that already. So it shouldn't be too
    long. I mean, me and Sophie went out to California last spring and Sophie's been a few times to the
    States. She's got connections there, and I'd never been. So she said, I'm going to make sure I take
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