Page 32 - BiTS_10_OCTOBER_2023
P. 32


    Hanna PK is a solid pianist, soulful vocalist, and vibrant performer, born

    and raised in South Korea, currently residing in Rochester, NY but, as
    she reveals in this interview about to move to Louisiana.

    She  plays  a  wide  variety  of  the  blues  &  swing,  old  school  folk,  and

    boogie-woogie. She has a dynamic songwriting style - ranging from funky

    tunes with socially conscious lyrics to mournful slow blues and from

    pop-edged ballads to uplifting swinging numbers. She is as ‘at home’

    with barrelhouse boogie as she is with jazz.

    Ian McKenzie spoke to her on the telephone.

                                                                      HPK:  Hello.

                                                                      BiTS:  Hello, is that Hanna?
                                                                      HPK:  Yes, hi.

                                                                      BiTS:  It's Ian McKenzie, Hanna. Nice to
                                                                      speak to you.

                                                                      HPK:  You too. Thanks for the call.

                                                                      BiTS:  And if you're ready, we'll make a
                                                                      start on doing the interview. Is that okay?

                                                                      HPK:  Yes. Yes sir.

                                                                      BiTS:  Okay, let's start at the beginning,
                                                                      then. I'm intrigued about how somebody
                                                                      from South Korea has become involved
                                                                      in American mausic. What attracted you
                                                                      to the music in the first place?

                                                                      HPK:    I  think  probably  my  early
                                                                      childhood influence was largely due to
                                                                      my father, who still lives in South Korea,
                                                                      but he is a musician. So since I was a little
                                                                      kid,  music  was  a  big  part  of  it.  It  was
                                                                      always  around.  My  father  would  be
                                                                      playing the guitar and so I think that was

    a big part of it.
    BiTS:  Did you take piano lessons when you were a kid?

    HPK:  Yeah. When I was a kid, but I didn't really keep up with lessons.

    BiTS:  Really, why was that?
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