Page 36 - BiTS_10_OCTOBER_2023
P. 36
Baton Rouge, and Kenny picked out musicians for me. Pretty much it was like, hey, I like what
you do. If you want to record, I can help you out. Would you like to come down to Baton Rouge
to do it? And I say okay. And we picked the date and I just had to come [chuckles]. And there was
some mix-up about the date, and he called me when I was still in Cincinnati, was going to stay
overnight, but there was a mix-up. So one day, I don't know, my friend and I, we just drove and
drove. Got to Baton Rouge about, I don't know, probably 1 AM the night before the recording
date, and then next morning, supposedly, the session was supposed to start at 10 AM. So got up,
got ready, and this guy came to meet me, and we say nice to meet you and went in and put down
several tracks. Next day we did it again [laughs].
BiTS: Now, on the album there are 11 tracks, and they're all with the exception of one written
by you. Do you enjoy songwriting?
HPK: Yes, I do. I feel like I don't try as often as I should when ideas come, but I really do because
that’s truly like who you are. It is more fun to sing original songs often, than songs already been
done by a lot of artists. I mean, both are fun to do, but I've been enjoying more and more just
performing my own songs.
BiTS: Do you
have a favourite
track on the
insomnia Blues album?
HPK: Because
of the perfor-
mance, I
normally pick
‘ I n s o m n i a
Blues’. It's my
favourite from
the album. I
think that was
the track I was
r e a l l y
c o m f o r t a b l e
playing, not
nervous as
much. So I liked what I did on that track [chuckling].
BiTS: Speaking of ‘Insomnia’, I note from reading your Facebook page that sometimes you have,
as many professional musicians do, doubts about your ability and being able to do it. Is that
something that you're conscious of?
HPK: Oh, yes.
BiTS: Is that something that bothers you?
HPK: Oh yeah, I go through such turmoil and some people obviously talk to me about their
concerns, about me sharing things like that. But I also am concerned about how on social media,
somehow like we are supposed to share the best parts of our life and happy moments of our life,
and I don't know, at least even for me sometimes it makes me feel like am I this weak? Why do
I go through such turmoil when everybody is out there just doing it. But that's not really the
reality once I actually have a conversation with people. Everybody goes through a lot of different