Page 38 - BiTS_10_OCTOBER_2023
P. 38
BiTS: A couple more questions and the first one is, do you have family to support you in the
USA, or is the family still back in South Korea?
HPK: So my immediate family, my mother has passed away a few years back, but I have a father
and a younger brother, and they both live in South Korea.
BiTS: Okay, and the final question is over the years that you've been in the States, you must
have played in dozens and dozens of places and with some absolutely fabulous musicians. Is
there one place that you can think of which you were playing at, and you suddenly thought to
yourself, gosh, this is absolutely wonderful?
HPK: Oh, that's hard to just pick one place because, for me, I tend to love doing music for the
people who maybe might have less access to it sometimes. So I really enjoy a small club out
nowhere kind of a place, where this is it for people and they don't often even experience live
music. But because I've been really loving Rochester, New York and that's where I really found
my second home, there's just a club owned by the family and there are all kinds of people come
in. Maybe even like half of them, including myself, all kinds of misfits come and just hang out
and there I also learned a lot by just playing with other musicians. So I really love playing there.
BiTS: That's wonderful. Hanna, I won't take any more of your time. Thank you very much indeed
for talking to me. It's been absolutely wonderful, and you have a good day there.
HPK: No, it's such a treat, really. It was fun to hear from you. I never take it for granted. Someone
all the way from the UK somehow found out about me and wanted to talk to me. I mean, I'm
honoured, so thank you so much for your time.
BiTS: Well, returning to whether or not you should have confidence, I can tell you that I think
your music is absolutely fabulous. I love it.
HPK: Thank you so much. I just have to remind myself always that the music is bigger than all
of us anyway, so try not to be so wrapped up within myself, just do music. Yeah. Thank you so
much. I appreciate it.
BiTS: That's great. You have a great day, Hanna.
HPK: You too. Bye-bye now.
BiTS: Bye then. Bye.