Page 25 - BiTS_04_APRIL_2023
P. 25
GG: Yeah, he's a formidably good player. He is actually an incredibly good guitar player as well, but
he plays bass for me and we met along with Charlie, who was just a ridiculously good drummer. They
knew each other. They'd been in other bands, and we met at a friend's wedding. They were doing the
sound and providing the PA for this wedding and the guy whose wedding it was, was a DJ. He was
forever telling me, oh yeah, you’ve to meet Bill Birks. You’ve to meet Bill Birks. He's got this great
studio. He's got so many stories. He's met everyone, he's met, Dylan. He's met The Cure. He did the
sound for Nirvana at Glastonbury. You know all this kind of stuff. And I was always like, yeah, yeah.
He sounds fascinating, but you know, I haven't met him yet, so can't get too excited. Anyway, and I
met him, the same with Charlie, and instantly as soon as I met these guys, there was something there
and I just had to know them. Do you know what I mean? It was one of those situations and we got up
on stage. We had a little bit of a jam, and
it was kind of alright. There was
something going on there and then I kind
of maintained a relationship with them
both, a friendship with them both. Popped
around to Bill’s studio a couple of times,
but we weren't really doing anything
until 2019, when I released an album
called “Running With The Outliers”, and
I’d got a band together to sort of unleash
the album and play a few shows, and
unfortunately there was a series of
disasters and the band fell apart, so at
short notice I called up Bill and I called
up Charlie, and I said, look, guys do you
fancy just doing a couple of shows with
me because I desperately need to get
something together? And they said, yeah,
yeah, no problem. Come on down. So we
played together and it ended up not being
just a couple of shows, let's put it that way. There's just something special that happens when the
three of us get together and the chemistry that we have on stage is really good. They're such brilliant
musicians, they will follow me down any path that I want to go. Do you know what I mean? It's
BiTS: Yes, yes. Now you had an album out, which you already mentioned, “Running With The
Outliers” in 2019. Is there anything more recent than that?
GG: Yes, after that I put out an album. Oh, sorry. An EP called “Rebuilt And Remade”. That was my
lockdown project, really. That was sort of an acoustic reimagining of a few of the songs from my
back catalogue. And then when I got signed to Lights and Lines in 2021, they decided to put out a
retrospective of a great deal of my work up to that point and a few sort of unreleased oddities that
I'd been storing up. So that album was called “Ghosts Of The Future & Past”. That came out in July
BiTS: Yes, that’s one I've heard. Absolutely terrific.