Page 18 - BiTS_12_DECEMBER_2023
P. 18
Mexican Caribbean, close to Cancun. I moved there because I wanted to play blues,
and it was in 2000.
So when I moved there then I really, really took the saxophone more seriously
because you have to play it every day, you know. I used to have two/three different
gigs, sometimes three gigs, three hours each gig a day, and so then you have to play
it. But it was cool, you know, because I really love that music and the saxophone is
perfect for it.
BiTS: Did you start off
playing alto?
ER: Yes, yes.
BiTS: I gather you play
tenor and soprano now?
ER: I do, I do, but honestly,
my main instrument is the
alto. But yes, yes, I played a
little of soprano and tenor.
What happened with the
tenor is that I love the sound.
I think that's my favourite,
probably about the tone. But
it's too big for me [laughs], someone of my size. So sometimes it's too heavy for me
to carry.
BiTS: How much do you practise, Evelyn? Every day?
ER: No, I'm bad. I'm bad. [Chuckling] I'm not one of these musicians that comes
home that are like just practising. I'm honestly not. I maybe practise three times a
week, and the rest is playing, doing the gigs, playing here and there.
BiTS: I gathered that at some stage, you got selected to play Mary Magdalene in
Jesus Christ Superstar. Is that correct?
ER: Yes, while I was there in Playa del Carmen, I met a director from Canada, Shane.
He decided to create his theatrical group there with people from there and so yes,
we worked on Jesus Christ Superstar. I was chosen as a Maria Magdalene, and we
did some touring around the Riviera Maya.
BiTS: And I gather from John in Houston that you've just got a part in another show,
is that right? You’ve got another performance coming up.
ER: Oh, yes. Well, I did some theatre. A play. It was a comedy. That was the first time
working with the Hispanic groups here in Houston because most of the time, I have
been working with Anglo music, Americans. Well, English speaking, you know, and
that's my first time working with the Hispanics, and it was very good, you know. It