Page 15 - BiTS_06_JUNE_2022_Neat
P. 15

BiTS:  Okay. I see. When you did the album, which was a tribute to your father, “Blues For My Father”, I read
    somewhere that there is a track which I’m really not aware of, that you did a duet with him. Obviously
    posthumously. Was that difficult?
    VT:  Not at all. There was a collection of songs, he had an album out. It was the last recordings of his on Sun,
    that he recorded at Sun Records, Sun Studios and they had been given to my brother, the 24 tracks and he sent
    them to me, and we had them digitised. So once everything is digital, then you can play around with it and my
    husband did that and we created a track with daddy singing and me singing with him.
    BiTS:  And the title of that one is?

    VT: ‘Can’t Ever Let You Go’.

    BiTS:  I’ve got the album somewhere, so I’m going to dig it out and listen to it again.

    VT: Please do.   Thank you, Ian for supporting me and playing my records.

    BiTS:  Good luck in Memphis, as well.
    VT: Alright. Thanks so much.

    BiTS:  Look after yourself. Stay safe.

    VT: Alright. You do the same.

    BiTS:  Bye.
    VT:  Bye-bye.

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