Page 23 - BiTS_01_JANUARY_2024
P. 23

BiTS:  I'll look it up anyway and put it in in due course. How did you feel the night that you actually
    won the competition?

    EL:  I was a bit shocked. Good competition. The Milk Men were pretty good, so I was kind of
    shocked as well. It was nice to win something. Everybody was happy. Yeah, it's not often we get
    nominated or win anything? So it was nice to get a bit of recognition. We’ve been playing a lot
    more blues venues in the last couple of years.

    BiTS:  You've been nominated a number of times in British Blues Awards and other things for
    top harmonica playing. How do you feel about those?

                                                                                          EL:  That was back in
                                                                                          the 90s, for the Blues
                                                                                          In  Britain  Awards.  I
                                                                                          won  it  in  98,  99  and
                                                                                          2000,  and  I  haven't
                                                                                          won  anything  since

                                                                                          then [laughs].
                                                                                          BiTS:    [Laughing]

                                                                                          Were       you      badly
                                                                                          affected  by  COVID?  I
                                                                                          mean, did the gigs dry

                                                                                          EL:    Yeah,  everybody
                                                                                          was... It was… yeah, it
                                                                                          was hard work. It was
                                                                                          hard  work,  but  we
                                                                                          were      quite     lucky,
                                                                                          actually.  We  were
    quite lucky in certain gigs. We got a few. We got loads cancelled, but you know, it's like anybody,
    everybody suffered. It was a hard one.

    BiTS:  Since you won the competition, have gigs picked up for you? You play regularly somewhere,
    I think. I can't remember the name of the place, though.

    EL:  Yeah, the gigs are coming through at the moment. Yeah, they're coming through quite well.
    We're doing okay this year. I've got quite a few booked up for the next year already, which is a
    good sign. So I'm hoping that it will raise our profile, definitely just because people don’t know
    about me really, even though I’ve been playing for a long time, it's just getting yourself on the
    right platform, isn't it? We're never on the right platform because we play blues, but really and
    truly people just get up and dance to our stuff. Even with some of the slow stuff, people tend to
    dance at our gigs. Definitely a lot in all sorts of funny places [laughs].

    BiTS:  Tell me who you are taking with you to the States? What are the names of the musicians?

    EL:  To the States? It’s the same band that I work with.

    BiTS:  Tell me something about them.

    EL:  You've got Gary Williams on drums. He's a great player. He comes from the jazz field. Works
    with a lot of jazzers. You’ve got Lance Rose on bass. He's similar to Gary. Comes from a jazz
    background as well. You've got Petar Zivokvic on piano. He comes from all sorts of backgrounds.
    He’s  played  with  many  different  bands  and  different  associations  or  whatever  you  call  it,
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