Page 16 - BiTS_07_JULY_2024_Neat
P. 16

BiTS:  I won't take too much more of your time. I've got a couple of other questions, though. Apart
   from the competition, what else is in the future for you? For both of you?

   DS:  We're supposed to bring out a second album.

   RDP:  Well, we've probably got about 15 or 16 tracks now recorded for a second album which will
   happen, but I think what we're going to do is we might release the second album just digitally, so
   everyone has to download it, or just press up a few just for journalists, really, and broadcasters.
   We’ll probably press up some physical CDs just for them and a few copies just for ourselves, but

   I think mostly everything's downloaded now.

   DS:  Yeah. People don't want to buy albums.

   RDP:  Yeah, I mean, that's why our singles are very popular. They get to number one frequently
   in independent charts, and we have a lot of support. We've had Radio Indie Alliance number ones
   like ‘The River And The Preacher’ was a Radio Indie Alliance number one and they sort of compile
   charts and singles from all over the world. I mean, it's a strange one, Ian. It's like, I mean you
   yourself have supported me and reviewed my stuff since day one, but a lot of our critical success,
                                                            apart from yourself and Stephen Harrison of Blues
                                                            Matters Magazine and Jeff Scott, Blues in Britain,
                                                            a lot of our reviews and a lot of our airplay is not
                                                            the UK. It's the USA, it's Canada, and a lot of our
                                                            stuff is Southern rock as well like ‘The River And
                                                            The Preacher’.

                                                            DS:  UK National Radio, they play us a lot.

   RDP:  UK National Radio they've been a huge support as well. Oh yeah, Get Ready to Rock Radio.
   And also, there's the editors of magazines like yourself that write great things and see where I'm
   at and know where I'm coming from, and then there's those that just don't get it. And I'm just an
   honest straight up guy and I believe that what we do is, it's more than just blues. I said to a guitar

   magazine that interviewed me, I'm not just a blues guitarist. I play blues, I play rock, I play Southern
   rock. I can play jazz. Yeah, Southern country rock. For me to just play blues, I would be really bored
   doing that. I like to express myself as a musician and a guitarist in many different areas, and that
   way it's creative.

   BiTS:  That's absolutely wonderful, but we need to bring this to a close, I won't take any more of
   your time

   DS:  Okay, but thank you for all your support. As I say, you really have been very supportive with
   the reviews, and we do appreciate it.

   BiTS:  Yeah, my pleasure. I'm a firm believer in supporting talent, and I know it when I hear it.

   DS:  Ah. That's very kind and we really do appreciate it. Thank you.

   BiTS:  Thanks very much indeed. I won't take any more of your time. Let’s call it a day.

   DS:  Thank you.

   RDP:  Bye.

   DS:  Bye-bye.
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